Saturday, December 12, 2015

A Journey to Rohtang Pass

"Madam if you want to go to Rohtang Pass, start very early", our driver earnestly told us an evening before. Seriously! I thought, afterall we are on vacation. But we realised the seriousness of the statement soon. So we took our own sweet time and started at around 9 am. 

The journey was very pleasant as the weather was lovely! It was month of May and we were thrilled to land to chilling Manali. We were told that the distance from Manali to mighty Rohtang Pass is around 56 kms and it should take 3-4 hours. Though we were skeptical about seeing snow in Rohtang Pass, still on driver's insistence we hired a ski instructor and those warm cloths. The ride became bumpy as we moved up after crossing Solang Valley. The weather became cooler and it started to rain.We came across beautiful scenery and waterfalls.

As we moved up the rain became thick and slowly converted into snow. It was our first time in snow and we were very excited. Moreover, the way the weather was in Kullu, it was much much more than our expectations.
As we reached close to Rohtang Pass, it was heavy snow and white all around us. Rohtang Pass is a very important route to reach Leh via Keylong and Spiti and open only in this season. So that was the reason for heavy traffic. Now, as per new rules the entry to Rohtang Pass is stricter and one need permit for that from Tourism Development Corporation Manali HP 

We were lucky to go before the series on ban on travel to Rohtang Pass.
There was traffic both ways and roads were very narrow. We somehow reached Rohtang Pass and enjoyed our first time in snow. 
I also tried my hand on some skiing. 
There was heavy snow and we were told it was the best of the season. We played with snow and clicked some pictures. There were tea and coffee vendors and yes you can sip tea amidst heavy snow in Rohtang Pass!!

It was indeed a great journey to remember!!

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